Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers in Kingston

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a highly popular cosmetic dentistry solution, offering a transformative approach to enhancing the appearance of your teeth. They are thin, custom-made shells crafted from tooth-colored materials (such as porcelain or resin composite) designed to cover the front surface of teeth – similar to how false fingernails cover the original. Veneers are bonded to the front of the teeth, changing their colour, shape, size, or length.

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers Before Fitting

Benefits of Having Veneers

The following are the main benefits of veneers:

  • Aesthetic Transformation: Veneers offer a dramatic improvement in your smile, perfect for addressing various cosmetic concerns like discoloured teeth, worn down teeth, chipped teeth, or misaligned teeth.
  • Natural Appearance: Made to match the natural colour of your teeth, veneers provide a natural and attractive look. Porcelain veneers, in particular, mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth.
  • Stain Resistance: Porcelain veneers are highly resistant to stains from coffee, tea, smoking, and other substances that typically discolor teeth, ensuring a lasting bright smile.
  • Minimal Enamel Removal: Unlike other restorative dental treatments, veneers require a minimal amount of enamel removal, preserving more of your natural tooth structure.
  • Durability: Veneers can ocassionally chip and break, just like your own teeth, but with proper care and maintenance, dental veneers can last for many years. They are made from strong, durable materials that withstand normal chewing and biting.
  • Customised for Individual Needs: Each set of veneers is custom-made to fit the patient’s teeth, ensuring a comfortable and precise fit.
  • Improved Confidence: By enhancing your smile, veneers can boost self-esteem and confidence, particularly in social or professional settings.
  • Versatility: Veneers can address multiple cosmetic issues simultaneously, including discolouration, minor misalignments, and gaps between teeth.
  • Non-Invasive Procedure: The process of getting veneers is relatively non-invasive, with the procedure usually completed in just a few appointments.
  • Easy Maintenance: Caring for veneers is simple and follows the same oral hygiene practices as natural teeth, like regular brushing and flossing.

What to Expect at Your Veneers Appointments

Fitting dental veneers requires at least two appointments with the Dentist, but depending on the number of veneers, can take longer:

  1. During the first appointment, we prepare the tooth, take an impression and match the shade of the veneer to the tooth
  2. The second visit is to fit it and make any necessary minor adjustments.

Cosmetic Dentistry Veneers


Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment that can dramatically improve the appearance of your smile. They are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth. They are designed to improve the appearance of your teeth by covering imperfections such as chips, stains, and gaps.

Porcelain veneers have many benefits, including:

  • Improved appearance of teeth
  • Durability and strength
  • Stain resistance
  • Minimal tooth reduction
  • Long-lasting results

Porcelain veneers can last up to 10-15 years with proper care, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. However, they may need to be replaced sooner if they are damaged or become loose.

No, the process of getting porcelain veneers is typically not painful. However, some patients may experience sensitivity during the preparation phase when a small amount of enamel is removed from the tooth.

The process of getting porcelain veneers typically takes two to three appointments. The first appointment involves a consultation and preparation, while the second appointment involves the placement of the veneers.

Porcelain veneers require regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups to maintain their appearance and longevity. It is also important to avoid biting hard objects or using teeth as tools, as this can damage the veneers.

Yes, porcelain veneers can be removed, but the process can be complex and may result in damage to the underlying tooth. It is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of veneer removal with your dentist before making any decisions.

Good candidates for porcelain veneers are those with healthy teeth and gums who have cosmetic concerns such as chips, stains, or gaps in their teeth. It is important to have a consultation with our dentist to determine if porcelain veneers are the right option for you.

The first step of fitting veneers is to prepare the tooth or teeth for them. The dentist will remove a tiny bit of enamel from the surface of the tooth and then make an impression, which will be sent off to a laboratory. At the laboratory, the veneer is crafted according to the dentist’s instructions and records. The porcelain material is strong yet thin, making it an ideal fit for teeth veneers.

After the lab creates your custom-made veneers, you’ll go back in for a second appointment so that they can be fitted onto your teeth. Once they are placed on your teeth, they may need some slight trimming or shaping to ensure they fit comfortably and look natural within your mouth. Lastly, to completely secure them in place, the dentist will bond or cement them with a special adhesive onto your natural teeth. After these treatments have been completed, you’ll be free to enjoy the benefits of veneers!


Roger Clarke

5 Star

“I’m entirely satisfied with my visit today. Neeshita was (as always) careful, thorough and clear in her explanations and advice. I’d rate the experience 5 out of 5!”

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