Understanding Toothache: Causes and Symptoms

Understanding Toothache: Causes and Symptoms

Key Takeaways:

Toothache is a common dental problem that can cause significant discomfort and disrupt daily activities. Understanding the causes and recognising the symptoms early can help in managing the pain effectively and preventing potential dental emergencies. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the common causes and symptoms of toothache, along with practical advice for seeking professional care.

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Toothache and Tooth pain usually require emergency dental care
Toothache and Tooth pain usually require emergency dental care

What Causes Toothache?

There are actually more causes for toothache, or tooth pain than most people realise. Below are some of the most common causes for toothache:

Dental Decay

The primary cause of toothache is dental decay. When plaque builds up on teeth, it can erode the enamel and form cavities. If not treated promptly by a dentist in Kingston, the decay can penetrate deeper into the tooth, affecting the sensitive inner pulp. This can result in intense pain, especially when eating or drinking hot or cold items.

Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums surrounding the teeth. It is often caused by poor oral hygiene that allows plaque to persist below the gum line. In it’s more advanced stages, gum disease can lead to the deterioration of the supporting bone and cause pain and swelling.

Tooth Abscess

An abscessed tooth is a severe and painful infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth. It is commonly caused by severe tooth decay or trauma that allows bacteria to invade and infect the central pulp of the tooth. This condition requires urgent treatment from an emergency dentist in Kingston to prevent the spread of infection.

Cracked or Damaged Teeth

Teeth can become cracked or chipped from eating hard foods, dental injury, or other accidents. Even a small crack can expose the tooth pulp, leading to inflammation and pain. Such damage should be assessed by a Kingston dentist to avoid complications like tooth decay and abscess.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth can cause significant pain as they struggle to break through the gums. As they push against other teeth, they can lead to crowding, misalignment, and severe discomfort.

Sinus Infections

Sometimes, what feels like tooth pain is actually referred pain from sinus congestion or infection, particularly affecting the upper rear teeth.

Issues with braces

Sometimes teeth straightening braces can cause abrasions against the gums, leading to tooth pain.

Symptoms of Toothache

Persistent Pain

Toothache typically involves continuous pain that can range from mild to severe. It may intensify in response to external stimuli, such as when consuming hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks.


A tooth may become particularly sensitive to temperature changes or even to the pressure of chewing or biting.

Swollen gums can be caused by dental braces
Swollen gums can be caused by dental braces

Swelling Around the Tooth

Visible swelling or redness in the gums around the affected tooth is a common symptom, indicating inflammation or abscess.

Bad Taste or Smell

An unpleasant taste or odour emanating from the affected tooth or gums can be a sign of infection or decay.

Headache or Jaw Pain

Severe toothaches can cause radiating pain up into the jaw or down the neck, or even into the head.

Bad Breath

Bad breath can indicate an underlying dental issue, such as tooth decay or a periodontal infection. If you notice that your breath has become particularly unpleasant, it’s essential to see a dentist right away to diagnose and treat the cause of the problem

When to See a Dentist

It’s advisable to consult with a dentist in Kingston at the first sign of persistent toothache or discomfort. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to resolving the issue effectively and may prevent the need for more extensive procedures. For sudden severe pain or dental injury, contact an emergency dentist in Kingston immediately.

How to Relieve Toothpain

Whilst seeing a qualified Kingston dentist is the only way to permanently relieve toothache, there are some things which you can do at home to provide short term relief:

Preventing Toothache

Preventive dental care is essential to avoid toothache and other dental problems. Regular check-ups with your Kingston dentist, proper brushing and flossing, and avoiding sugary snacks can significantly reduce the risk of dental decay and gum disease.

What to do

Toothache is a distressing for most people, but with the right knowledge and timely care from a dentist in Kingston, it can be effectively managed and often prevented. Whether you’re experiencing symptoms of a toothache or looking for advice on dental health, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Thames Street Dental, your trusted dentist in Kingston for professional guidance and treatment.

Got toothache? Call us now!

Don’t let toothache disrupt your life. If you’re experiencing dental pain or discomfort, call us now, or schedule an appointment with your Thames Street Dental today to ensure your oral health is managed professionally and compassionately.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What are the most common causes of toothache?

The most common causes of toothache include dental decay, gum disease, tooth abscess, cracked or damaged teeth, impacted wisdom teeth, and sinus infections. These conditions can lead to pain and discomfort, which may become severe if not promptly addressed by a dentist.

How can I tell if my toothache is from an infection?

If your toothache is accompanied by swelling, redness, a foul taste in the mouth, fever, or persistent, throbbing pain, it might be from an infection. It’s essential to see your dentist or an emergency dentist in Kingston immediately to prevent the infection from spreading.

What should I do if I have a toothache at night or on the weekend?

For toothaches occurring during non-business hours, please call us on (020 8 546 6 546). We often answer calls out of normal hours, but if you are unable to speak with one of the team, please leave a voicemail, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Can toothache go away on its own?

While some minor toothaches caused by temporary irritation can resolve on their own, persistent or severe toothache usually requires dental intervention. Ignoring the pain can lead to more severe complications.

How can I prevent toothache?

Preventing toothache involves maintaining good oral hygiene practices such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash. Additionally, regular visits to your Kingston dentist for cleanings (scale and polish) and check-ups are crucial. Avoiding hard, sugary, or acidic foods can also help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Is it necessary to see a dentist if the toothache isn’t severe?

Yes, even if the toothache isn’t severe, it’s a good idea to see a dentist. Early intervention can prevent the problem from worsening and save you from potentially more invasive treatments down the line. Regular dental check-ups can help identify and address issues before they cause pain.

What treatments might a dentist suggest for toothache?

Depending on the cause of the toothache, treatments can vary from simple fillings, dental crowns, and root canals for decay and damage, to more intensive treatments like periodontal therapy for gum disease or surgical extraction for impacted wisdom teeth. Your dentist in Kingston will recommend the most appropriate treatment based on the cause of your pain.

Can toothache indicate a more serious health problem?

In some cases, toothache can be a sign of a serious underlying condition like an abscess or a deep infection, which can have significant health implications if not treated promptly. Moreover, chronic dental pain might sometimes be linked to heart disease or diabetes, highlighting the importance of consulting a healthcare professional.

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